Neurotherapeutic Treatment of Seizure Disorders


Ergebnis-Studien vergleichen Ergebnisse, z.B. Schmerzlevel, Grad depressiver Symptome, entweder zwischen Gruppen oder an denselben Menschen vor und nach der Anwendung von EFT. Die unten stehenden Titel führen in alphabetischer Ordnung die Umstände auf, wofür die Daten in den unten stehenden Untersuchungen gesammelt wurden.


Psychological Trauma in Veterans using EFT: A Randomized Controlled Trial

The Effect of a Brief EFT Self-Intervention on Anxiety, Depression, Pain and Cravings in Healthcare Workers

Psychological Symptom Change in Veterans After Six Sessions of Emotional freedom Techniques (EFT): An Observational Study

The Effects of EFT on Long-term Psychological Symptoms Self-administered EFT in Individuals with Fibromyalgia: a Randomized Trial

Pilot Study of EFT, WHEE and CBT for Treatment of Test Anxiety in University Students

Assessment of EFT: An Alternative Treatment for Fear

The Effect of Progressive Muscular Relaxation and Emotional Freedom Techniques on Test Anxiety in High School Students: A Randomized Controlled Trial


The Effect of EFT on Athletic Performance: A Randomized Controlled Blind Trial

A Re-Examination of Church´s (2009) Study into the Effects of Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) on Basketball Free-Throw Performance


Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) as an Effective Adjunctive Treatment in the Neurotherapeutic Treatment of Seizure Disorders

Self-administered EFT in Individuals with Fibromyalgia: a Randomized Trial Neurophysiological Indicators of EFT Treatment Of Post-Traumatic Stress


Depression Brief Group Intervention Using EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) for Depression in College Students: A Randomized Controlled Trial Psychological Trauma in Veterans using EFT: A Randomized Controlled Trial

The Effect of a Brief EFT Self-Intervention on Anxiety, Depression, Pain and Cravings in Healthcare Workers

Psychological Symptom Change in Veterans After Six Sessions of Emotional freedom Techniques (EFT): An Observational Study

The Treatment of Combat Trauma in Veterans Using EFT

The Effects of EFT on Long-term Psychological Symptoms Self-administered EFT in Individuals with Fibromyalgia: a Randomized Trial


Evaluation of a Meridian-Based Intervention, EFT, for Reducing Specific Phobias of Small Animals

The Immediate Effect of a Brief Energy Psychology Intervention (EFT) on Specific Phobias: A Randomized Controlled Trial Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) Reduces Intense Fears: A Partial Replication and Extension of Wells et al. (2003


Psychological Trauma in Veterans using EFT: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Psychological Symptom Change in Veterans After Six Sessions of Emotional freedom Techniques (EFT): An Observational Study

The Treatment of Combat Trauma in Veterans Using EFT

Neurophysiological Indicators of EFT Treatment Of Post-Traumatic Stress

Six Trauma Imprints Treated with Combination Intervention: Critical Incident Stress Debriefing and Thought Field Therapy (TFT) or EFT


A Randomized Clinical Trial of a Meridian-Based Intervention for Food Cravings with Twelve Month Follow-up

The Effect of a Brief EFT Self-Intervention on Anxiety, Depression, Pain and Cravings in Healthcare Workers

Klinische Reports

Klinische Reports beschreiben die Anwendung von EFT mit verschiedenen Gruppen, z.B. Universitäts-Studenten, Gefangenen, Flüchtlingen oder missbrauchten Kindern. Sie enthalten entweder quantitative Daten wie Symptom-Beschreibungen oder sie beschreiben die Art und Weise, wie EFT-Anwender mit diesen Gruppen arbeiten können.

Integrating Energy Psychology into Treatment for Adult Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse

Application of Emotional Freedom Techniques Single Session EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) for Stress-Related Symptoms After Motor Vehicle Accidents

Change Is Possible: EFT ( with Life-Sentence and Veteran Prisoners at San Quentin State Prison

Energy Psychology Treatment for Posttraumatic Stress in Genocide Survivors in a Rwandan Orphanage: A Pilot Investigation

Clinical Story of a 6-Year-Old Boy's Eating Phobia: An Integrated Approach

EFT For Traumatic Brain Injury Veterans: Finding their way home with EFT

Working With Military Service Members and Veterans: A Field Report of Obstacles and Opportunities

Six Trauma Imprints Treated with Combination Intervention: Critical Incident Stress Debriefing and Thought Field Therapy (TFT) or EFT

Emotional Freedom Techniques: The Practising Midwife

Single Session EFT for Stress-Related Symptoms After Motor Vehicle Accidents

Ablauf von EFT

Der „Mechanismus des Ablaufs“ für eine Technik wie EFT beschreibt, was im Körper passiert während der Anwendung dieser Technik. Die Studien beschreiben die neurologischen, epigenetischen, psychoneuroimmunologischen und hormonellen Einflüsse und Abläufe während der EFT- Anwendung.

Rapid Treatment of PTSD: Why Psychological Exposure with Acupoint Tapping May Be Effective

The Neurochemistry of Counterconditioning: Acupressure Desensitization in Psychotherapy

The Dream to Freedom Technique, a Methodology for Integrating the Complementary Therapies of Energy Psychology and Dreamwork

Modulating Gene Expression through Psychotherapy: The Contribution of Non-Invasive Somatic Interventions

Energy Psychology in Rehabilitation: Clinical Applications, and Theory


Review-Artikel sammeln alle Beweise für eine Methode, so wie EFT, oder eine Bedingung, so wie Phobien, PTSD oder Schmerz. Sie untersuchen die Studien, die bereits durchgeführt wurden und ziehen Schlüsse über die Charakteristik einer Methode. Eine Anzahl die Artikel über EFT und oder Energie-Psychologie wurden in den vergangenen Jahren in Peer-Review-Journalen veröffentlicht:

Energy Psychology in Disaster Relief Energy Psychology: A Review of the Preliminary Evidence

Energy Psychology in Rehabilitation: Origins

Clinical Applications and Tought Field Therapy and its Derivatives: Rapid Relief of Mental Health Problems through Tapping on the Body

Theoretical and Methodological Problems in Research on EFT and Other Meridian Based Therapies

Application of Emotional Freedom Techniques

Your DNA is Not Your Destiny: Behavioral Epigenetics and the Role of Emotions in Health

Controversies in Energy Psychology

Informelle und unveröffentlichte Studien

Diese Studien wurden auf professionellen Konferenzen oder informell, z.B. in Büchern angeboten. Sie wurden nicht in Peer-Organen begutachtet und stellen deshalb nicht den Wert dar, den eine rigorose Prüfung des Peer-Prozesses erfährt. Sie werden deshalb als „Angebot“ bewertet.

Critical Incident Recall and Sport Confidence Changes After a Brief EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) Intervention

The Effect of EFT on Psychological Symptoms: A Limited Replication of Rowe

Measuring Physiological Markers of Emotional Trauma: A Randomized Controlled Trial of Mind-Body Therapies

World Trade Centre Tower Survivor:EP Treatment of long term PTSD

Pain and Mental Health Symptoms after PTSD Remediation in Veterans: A Randomized Controlled Trial

The Effect of EFT on Psychological Symptoms in Addiction Treatment

The Neurological Foundations of Energy Psychology: Brain Scan Changes During 4 Weeks of Treatment for Generalized Anxiety Disorder

An Objective Experiment on the Use of EFT for Depression

EFT Brings About 80.7% Sports Performance Improvement

The Genie in Your Genes: An Extraordinary Book on the Science Behind EFT Reducing Anxiety in Dental Patients with EFT

EFT for Libido: 80% Report an Improvement of 50% or more

Emotional Improvements with Student Athletes in 4 Weekly EFT Sessions Eyesight Improvement after Clearing Emotional Issues

EFT Improves Minerals, Amino Acids & Vitamins

Articles Evidencing the Existence of Energy Meridians

Before and After Photos of Rouleaux, "Blood Cell Clumping" Emotions Affect Blood

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