Englischspachige Studien
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EFT Reference Shortlist update June 2017
Bis heute wurden 153 EFT-Studien weltweit in verschiedenen wissenschaftlichen Journalen veröffentlicht. Die meisten Studien erfüllen jedoch nicht alle die erforderlichen Voraussetzungen um sie als Evidenz basierende Arbeiten anzuerkennen. Nach sorgsamer Durchsicht finden die folgenden 35 Publikationen einen Platz auf der Evidenz basierten Kurzliste:
Case study: 1
Uncontrolled outcome study: 1
Randomized Controlled Study with Limited Generalizability: 6
Randomized Controlled Study with Potentially Strong Generalizability: 10
Theoretical and Review Article: 17
However, even with this shortlist in hand, the evidence base is very modest. A majority of these studies show a positive effect of EFT but most researchers conclude that more research is needed. The main reasons are: small numbers of participants/patients, selection bias, no comparison to “treatment as usual”, no control group, no follow-up on drop-outs, no hypothesis of the working mechanism is offered and, finally, the study is published in a journal with (very) low “impact factor”.
A few publications show ‘inconclusive’ results. Including these is necessary to avoid selection bias.
Anecdotal Report: An informal report describing outcomes after applying a psychological method with a single individual.
Systematic Observational Report: An informal outcome report describing the course of treatment using a single therapeutic approach with multiple clients.
Case Study: A formal report using established pre- and post-intervention assessments with one subject.
Uncontrolled Outcome Study: A formal study using established pre- and post-intervention assessments with multiple clients, but lacking a control/comparison group
Randomized Controlled Study with Limited Generalizability: A formal study using established pre- and post-intervention assessments with multiple clients, including at least one control/comparison group and randomization, but lacking follow-up, "blinding," and/or rigor in design and execution.
Randomized Controlled Study with Potentially Strong Generalizability: A formal study using established pre- and post-intervention assessments with multiple clients, including randomization, follow-up, and at least one control/comparison group with means for "blinding" those assessing the outcomes from knowledge of which subjects were in which group. These studies are well designed and administered so that the effects of each treatment condition can be reliably compared, and generalizations to specified populations can be anticipated with reasonable confidence.
Theoretical and Review Articles: Scholarly articles that discuss theoretical considerations and plausible mechanisms of action for a treatment approach, review existing research studies, and/or discuss clinical applications based on these studies.
Anecdotal Report: no approved publications available.
Systematic Observational Report: No approved publications available.